Sunday, September 22, 2013

When All The Stars Line Up

I recently attended an elegant fundraiser for Autism Speaks in Little Falls, NJ.  This wonderful event was hosted by NJ Housewife, Jacqueline Laurita, and her two nieces.

I donated a gift certificate for $650 worth of Speech Therapy from my private practice, Superb Therapy, LLC.

As the winning ticket for my gift certificate was called I stood in the middle of the back of the huge room and visually scanned back and forth to see who raised their hand or stood up to claim the prize.  

A woman who was sitting directly in front of me, only 3 feet away, won the gift certificate.  What were the chances of that happening, in a room filled with tables?

I gave the winner my business card and informational flier and we spoke for a few minutes and exchanged phone numbers. 

Today I met her son, and I think we are a good match.  He is 3 1/2, has less than 10 words, does not speak upon request nor does he imitate speech spontaneously or consistently.  

He does do some independent vocal play, which shows me that he is ready to begin to speak more functionally.

My first goal is to get him to repeat everything I say.  

He likes music, pizza and cookies, so I made up a pizza and cookies song for him.  I audio taped it with my phone and we played it over and over many times.  

He gave me a few approving looks, a few smiles, and his eyes lit up a several times...then his mother and I both heard him imitate the word "cookie" once.

It was a great first session!  I can't wait until next week!  I have a great feeling about this little boy.  I'm ready to take him up a few levels in speech and get him communicating with his older brother in fun ways!

I'm Noelle Michaels, Speech and Learning Specialist, serving children and families in the Northern NJ area.  I love it when I meet children who I can connect with and teach to communicate at higher levels.  It happens all the time, and I'm happy to say that I truly love my job!

*My new E-book "Superb Therapy!" is now available!  The introductory price is ONLY $3.75 and it has: Verbal Apraxia, SNACKademics, and The BEST Way to Teach Your Child Colors included. That's 3 books in one for a great price!!!

To see a preview or buy it go to:
To learn more about me go to my website.
You can order e-books ($3.75 + tax each) there too.
To order soft-cover copies of any of my 3 separate books ($10 + tax each - includes postage):

Write to me at with BOOK ORDER as a subject line and call me to confirm your order, or just call me at 201-919-4805.  

I am always available to give parents or professionals advice.  Write to me at 
& put QUESTION FOR NOELLE in the subject line or call me at: 201-919-4805.


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